Tuesday 30 September 2014

My own room!!!!

Monday 29th September
The move to Coogee
So we moved in on Monday!!! It felt so great to finally unpack my suitcase after over three months and be able to hang some clothes up again!!!! When we moved in we went out to buy cleaning products and made sure we cleaned the place from top to bottom and it felt better straight away! Then we headed out to the city to go shopping for things to help us call the place "home!"
My friend Gracie from camp also happened to be really close by as she had taken a trip to the airport to drop her parents off, so she came and swooped by the city and took me back home! We chatted for an hour in the car stuck in traffic and when we got back finally she came in and helped me set up my room! 
That night, we had all promised that we would try Kangaroo and it would be our first meal when we eventually got our own place. So, we had kangaroo burgers ("skippy burgers") for tea! They were surprisingly tasty!!!🍔
Gracie lives about an hour and a half away, and typically about an hour and a half after she left I discovered her wallet on my bed!!! So she returned on Tuesday afternoon, also with a guitar she no longer wanted, so all in all I had another great afternoon!
After!!!! ...
Much better!!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh your own room I bet it feels great,it's looking lovely <3
